Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Dawn of the Internet

  1. This video shows what people in 1969 thought the future of technology might be.  It's short and interesting to see just how accurate these predictions were:
  2. Check out this brief video about the Internet from 1981.  It's pretty amazing to see how far we have come. 
  3. Check out this news story video which was from a few years later and was talking about the Internet.
  4. Don't stress over the "alphabet soup" that is web page design.  I tend to avoid questions such as "Define the following: CERN, NCSA, NSF, ARPA, W3C, TCP, XML, XHTML, CSS, etc.".  I mostly want you to get a feel for where these things came from and their context.  To help with this, check out the brief video called "Warriors of the Net".  This video does a great job of explaining how the Internet works in human terms -- while still managing to fit in some "computerese".  I like it.  :)